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Give Blood Save Lives – SOP Initiative Embarks on Another Humanitarian Mission This Year

The concept of blood donation is by far one of the most beneficial concepts in life as a human cannot exist without blood. Blood donation is one of the most selfless, most significant contribution that a person can make towards the society. It is not harmful for an adult to donate blood. It poses no threat to the metabolism of the body as God has specially made the human body to regenerate blood in just a few days. According to blood facts, blood donation is needed every second to save the life of patients around the world. An ailing body needs blood for various reasons. He may be attacked with anemia, undergone an operation or may meet with an accident. But such a patient may die for want of blood as it is not always available. Even a pregnant mother may need blood in case of emergency situation. A child born premature may need blood to live. The scarcity of blood donors is a major challenge in our health system today.

Imagine Sade, a seven year old girl with the dream of becoming a doctor someday. The school session had just ended and she had come top in her class. Her joy knew no bounds and she couldn’t wait to share the news with her parents. On her way home in the vehicle of their good neighbor a careless driver ran his car into them. The doctor says Sade lost so much blood and needs blood transfusion to live. Without this blood Sade will not be able to attend prom how much more go to medical school. Every second there is someone like Sade needing life. It is time that we ask ourselves the question – what are you doing with your blood?

ConnectCharity has decided to champion this noble cause, to mark the UN world humanitarian day (August 19th), as part of our service to humanity. We believe that every human deserves a chance to live and that by giving blood we are giving life. In view of this, we are calling on everyone all over the world to walk into a government-approved health center and give life. We have designed this campaign to run from 24th July to 19th August 2017. Within this timeline, we encourage you to go into any approved hospital and donate a pint of blood. On August 19th (the grand finale) we will go in a convoy with as many as 100 willing donors, to three (3) government approved hospitals in Lagos state Nigeria. There we will all get screened and donate 100 pints of blood. Please join us from wherever you are and be a part of this by doing the following…

  1. Follow us on social media @SOPInitiative on Twitter and Instagram
  2. Repost and retweet our daily posts using the hashtag #GiveBloodSaveLives #ConnectCharity #WHD2017
  3. Create your own messages to encourage someone else to join the movement still using the hashtags.
  4. Walk into a government-approved hospital, get screened, and donate blood to save that life.
  5. Take a picture as proof that you have donated and post on social media mentioning @SOPInitiatives and using the hashtags #GiveBloodSaveLives
  6. Ensure that your location is on so that we can know where you are at the time of donation

Remember this – The tears of a mother cannot save her child but your blood can! Join us today.

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