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Stand Up for Down Syndrome Campaign Kicks Off!

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Down syndrome is not related to race, nationality, religion or socioeconomic status and it is estimated that 1 in 700 children are born with this condition.

Every person with Down syndrome is a unique individual and may possess these characteristics to different degrees or not at all. People with Down syndrome attend school, work, participate in decisions that affect them, have meaningful relationships, vote and contribute to society in many wonderful ways.
Life expectancy for people with Down syndrome has increased dramatically in recent decades – from 25 in 1983 to 60 today.

This year, TWF’s ConnectCharity team is running a ‘Stand Up For Down Syndrome’ campaign to raise #380kforDownSyndrome. The funds which will be sourced from the public will be directed to Beth Torrey and used to:

– Renovate Beth Torrey home

– Fund a potable water project for the same and 

– Sponsor training sessions for prospective volunteers and caregivers currently in the home.

Beth Torrey is a home for children & adults with Down Syndrome. It has about 24 children and adults in its care. The children are trained to develop domestic, social, theatrical and singing skills. They are also taught how to read and write. The children are usually found abandoned by their parents on the streets.

Every N1,000 donation helps. Call Tunde on 08164637975 to donate. #ConnectCharity.

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